We are very proud to launch the call for abstract for the Third Barton Kamen-MGHI prize
The prize is given in honor of Pr. Barton Kamen, pediatric oncologist, pioneer in the field of metronomic chemotherapy. Barton Kamen has been one of the leading force that has kept the field of metronomics alive when it was facing resistance/skepticism from clinicians. Barton has also been a source of inspiration for clinical colleagues, scientists and mentored many junior scientists. Barton Kamen was also the first very MGHI ambassador. Through this prize, we wish to acknowledge his critical role for the field of metronomics and maintain his legacy alive by rewarding a clinician or a scientist working in the field of metronomics. Priority will be given to work focusing on children living in low and middle countries
This prize is awarded to the author of the best submitted scientific article. The jury can also propose candidate. The winner will present his work and receive the prize during the 6th Metronomic Meeting that will take place in Grand Rapids in May 2018 (click here for more information) All accepted abstracts will be published on the MGHI website.
The dead-line for submission is 01/03/2018 Results will be given by email before the 10th of April.
For more information conctact: metronomicsghi@gmail.com
Abstract Requirements and Guidelines
Formatting Tips:
Abstracts must be submitted in English by email at metronomicsghi@gmail.com. Each abstract should consist of four separate paragraphs. These should be labeled Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Each abstract should, briefly and concisely, describe the problem or issue being addressed, how the study was performed, the salient results or findings, and what the authors conclude from these results.
Abstracts are not to exceed 200 words, excluding title and authors.The length should correspond to approximately 1 pages, single-spaced, in a Word document Abstract titles are restricted to 25 words.. You will type the title, authors and keywords into individual fields, separately from the body of the abstract.
Abstracts must clearly define the objectives, status, methodology, findings, and significance of the investigation or stud
How Abstracts are Judged and Assigned
Abstracts submitted for presentation will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee in April. Notification of acceptance and schedule information will be sent in APRIL. Abstracts will be judged according to four criteria: scientific merit, originality, interest for metronomic
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