Dans le cadre des 10 ans du Cancéropole PACA, MGHI participe avec la Classe de 2nd C et Mme Raccaglia du lycée Thiers à Marseille au concours des Lycées organisé sous la presidence du Pr Dominique Figarella-Branger, Présidente du Comité Scientifique Cancéropôle PACA. La classe de 2ndC présentera lors de la Journée d’ouverture à l’Hôtel de Région le 13 Février (...)
The Pr Sébastien Salas from the Adult Oncology Unit, CHU La Timone, AP-HM, Marseille, France has obtained funding for the PROPAN study (Dose-Finding of Propranolol in combination with metronomic fixed oral cyclophosphamide based on Bivariate efficacy-tolerability outcome in patients with locally advanced or metastatic angiosarcoma : A collaborative and (...)
Pan Pantziarka for the Anticancer Fund and Nicolas André from the Metronomic Global Health Initiative are organizing a Research Topic titled “Drug Repurposing” to be published in Frontiers in Medicine. Drug repurposing, also known as drug repositioning, is a strategy that seeks to reuse existing, licensed medications for new medical indications, often in (...)
Summary Childhood low-grade glioma (LGG) is the most common paediatric central nervous system (CNS) neoplasm. Among LGG hypothalamo-chiasmatic gliomas (HCG) remain a genuine therapeutic challenge. One of the aims of the treatment is to control tumour growth while trying to delay or avoid the use of radiotherapy. Thus chemotherapy is accepted as a first (...)
After completing Metro-Mali 01 we aimed at developing a protocol that would be more efficient without increasing cost nor toxicity. We designed Metro-Mali 02 as a combination of metromomic chemotherapy and drug repositioning. Thus we added valproic acid as an HDAC inhibitor, an established new anticancer strategy. Valproic acid has already been (...)
A Clinical Trial Using Metronomic Oral Low-dose Cyclophosphamide Alternating With Low-dose Oral Methotrexate With Continuous Celecoxib and Weekly Vinblastine in Children and Adolescents With Relapsed or Progressing solid Tumours. (SFCE METRO 01) Sponsor: Assistance Publique Hopitaux De Marseille Purpose To establish the anti-tumour effect of this (...)
The GFAOP (Groupe Francophone Africain en Oncologie Pédaitrique) held its annual meeting in Paris from the 21rst to 23rd of May. MGHI was present to lecture about metronomic chemotherapy following previous discussions with Pr Laila HESSISSEN, and Pr Mhamed Harif current president of the GFAOP. The GFAOP has now 14 units in 14 different hospitals located (...)
A pediatric phase II trial- SMHOP-metro01- set in collaboration between the Société Marocaine d’Hématologie et Oncologie Pédiatrique and the Metronomic Global Health Initiative, for children with advanced or relapse disease has been launched in Morocco. The study will be piloted by Pr. Maria El Kababri with the support of Pr Laila Hessissen, and Pr (...)
We are delightred to e to introduce you “The International School of metronomic chemotherapy – ISMe”. This initiative is being lead by Dr. Marina Elena Cazzaniga. ISMe’s Core Faculty are all well recognized experts in the field of metronomic chemotherapy or are active participants of ongoing trials exploring new areas of research. ISME has the aim to (...)
MGHI is launching an international survey to know more about the use of metronomic chemotherapy and drug repositioning to treat children with cancer in LMIC. The questioned have been developed by Dr Gabriel Revon-Rivière and Dr Nicolas André. We aim at sending the survey in central and South America, Africa (GFAOP), Iran, Uganda, Tanzania and India. This (...)