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Metronomic in children

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Widely disseminated metastatic Ewing sarcoma: Sustained, complete metabolic response to first‐line oral metronomic chemotherapy

Sharada Mailankody, Jyoti Bajpai, Vishwapriya Godkhindi, Akshay Bedmutha, Shripad Banavali from the Tata Memorial Hospital have published in Pediatric Blood Cancer a case report entitled "Widely disseminated metastatic Ewing sarcoma: Sustained, complete metabolic response to first‐line oral metronomic chemotherapy". An adult patient with an highly (...)

A case of relapsing spinal atypical AT/RT responding to metronomic vinorelbine-cyclophosphamid-celecoxib.

A recent case report entitled "A case of relapsing spinal atypical AT/RT responding to metronomic vinorelbine-cyclophosphamid-celecoxib" has just been published in Childs Nerv Sys by Gotti G, Biassoni V, Schiavello E, Spreafico F, Antonelli M, Calareso G, Pecori E, Gandola L, and Massimino M. from the Pediatric Unit of the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto (...)

A phase II trial of a multi-agent oral antiangiogenic (metronomic) regimen in children with recurrent or progressive cancer

Nathan J. Robison from Mark Kieran’s group in Boston just published a report of a phase II 5 drug regimen built upon the pioneer "4 drug regimen" published 8 years ago. The article is entitled "A phase II trial of a multi-agent oral anti-angiogenic (metronomic) regimen in children with recurrent or progressive cancer" was designed to evaluate the (...)

A pilot study of low-dose anti-angiogenic chemotherapy in combination with standard multiagent chemotherapy for patients with newly diagnosed metastatic ewing sarcoma family of tumors

In an article published very recently in Pediatric Blood and Cancer by the COG entitled : A pilot study of low-dose anti-angiogenic chemotherapy in combination with standard multiagent chemotherapy for patients with newly diagnosed metastatic ewing sarcoma family of tumors: A Children’s Oncology Group (COG) phase II study (NCT00061893) that aimed at (...)

Administration of temozolomide: comparison of conventional and metronomic chemotherapy regimens.

Houy N, and Le Grand F from the University of Lyon, Lyon, France; the CNRS, GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne, France and the emlyon business school, Écully, France and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland have published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology a research article entilted : Administration of temozolomide: comparison of conventional and metronomic (...)

Bevacizumab, With Sorafenib and Cyclophosphamide Provides Clinical Benefit for Recurrent or Refractory Osseous Sarcomas in Children and Young Adults

Jessica Bodea, Kenneth J Caldwell & Sara M Federico from the Department of Oncology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis and from the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, Cancer and Blood Disorders Institute, United States have just published a phase 2 trial to explore the activity of Bevacizumab, Sorafenib and Cyclophosphamide in bone (...)

Combination of metronomic cyclophosphamide and dietary intervention for neuroblastoma.

Morscher RJ, Aminzadeh-Gohari S Hauser-Kronberger C, Feichtinger RG, Sperl W, and Kofler B from the Laura Bassi Centre of Expertise-THERAPEP, Department of Pediatrics, Paracelsus Medical University, the Division of Medical Genetics, Medical University Innsbruck, the Department of Pathology, Paracelsus Medical University and the Department of (...)

Complete Remission and Long-term Survival in a Child With Relapsed Medulloblastoma With Extensive Osteosclerotic Bony Metastasis With a Novel Metronomic Chemobiological Approach.

The Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai has just published a interesting case report of a child with a relapsing medduloblastoma with extraneural metastasis who was successfully treated with a metronomic combination for 18 months.

Cyclic Metronomic Chemotherapy for Pediatric Tumors: Six Case Reports and a Review of the Literature

Benjamin Carcamo & Giulio Francia from the Department of Pediatric Hematology Oncology, El Paso Children’s Hospital, the Department of Pediatrics, Texas Tech University Health Science Center and Border Biomedical Research Center, University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), El Paso, USA have published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine an artivle (...)

Desmoplastic small round cell tumors: role of metronomic maintenance

in a recent work entitled Desmoplastic small round cell tumors: Multimodality treatment and new risk factors, published in Cancer Medicine, Scheer and al. from the Cooperative Weichteilsarkom Studiengruppe [CWS] report the analyse of 60 DSRCT patients Presentation The median age of 60 patients was 14.5 years. Male:female ratio was 4:1. Tumors were (...)