The 36th PAMM-EORTC Winter Meeting will take place in Marseille from 21/01/2015 to 24/01/2015. It will focus on ground-breaking innovations in experimental and translational oncology. It is organized under the umbrella of European Organization for Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), to provide a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary and international exchange of ideas on implementing knowledge on optimizing cancer treatment. The conference will feature presentations from internationally recognized leaders in the field of experimental, translational and clinical oncology. Scientists, researchers, and experts in the field of experimental therapeutics will offer new insights and innovative approaches to treat cancer, along with keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations.
Beside scientific sessions and presentations, several social events such as gala dinner and traditional PAMM indoor football match will make the PAMM-2015 in Marseille a great opportunity for stretching your boundaries through extensive exchanges with peers and experts.
Local Organising Committee
Dr J. Ciccolini, Marseille, PAMM Scientific Committee
Pr G.J. Peters, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Developing mathematical support in oncology is a rising trend both at the bench and the bedside. This session will focus on the variety of models that can be used today to better understand cancer biology and to improve anticancer agents efficacy and clinical use, i.e., mechanistic and semi-mechanistic models, PBPK approaches, computational driven regimen, new PK/PD modeling tools, etc...
KEYWORDS: Computational Oncology - Modeling & Simulation - PK/PD
Metronomics has been first introduced in paediatric oncology and is now also considered as an attractive option in a variety of settings in adults. Beside the reduction of drug-induced toxicities, novel mechanisms of action (i.e., anti-angiogenic or immunostimulating properties) have emerged from the use of low doses of anticancer drugs. This session will cover the achievements, current limits and expectancies of metronomic chemotherapy in cancer.
KEYWORDS: Metronomics - Paediatrics Oncology - Drug Repositionning
Biomarker-based medicine has been now widely integrated in clinical practice in melanoma, colorectal, lung or breast cancers. Still, there is still a discrepancy between the plethora of putative markers constantly published and the number of validated tests actually reaching bedside applications. This session will cover the latest tools made available to screen patients, the latest markers emerging from molecular biology, and the latest clinical applications in pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics.
KEYWORDS: Precision medicine - Pharmacogenetics - Pharmacogenomics - Biomarker-based medicine
Translational oncology has benefited from recent advances in the field of in vitro and in vivo imaging, plus the rise of -omics (e.g., metabolomics, proteomics, etc..). This technical session will present the latest tools and applications made available in experimental and translational oncology.
KEYWORDS: Metabolomics - Proteomics - Imaging - Experimental Therapeutics
Optimizing drug delivery of anticancer agents is an attractive strategy to optimize the efficacy/toxicity balance. This session will cover the latest advances in the field of medical chemistry applied to nanomedicine in oncology (i.e., conjugated drugs, nanoparticles, smart drugs).
KEYWORDS: Medicinal chemistry - Nanoparticles - Drug delivery
Clinical oncology has benefited over the last decade of the rise of novel bioengineered entities. This session will cover the most recent advances beside monoclonal antibodies (i.e., peptibodies, nanobodies and other entities) that are now developed to adress novel targets, including to trigger immune response against cancer.
KEYWORDS: Biologics - Immunotherapy - Novel scafolds
N. André, Marseille, FR F. André, Villejuif, FR F. Barlési, Marseille, FR JP. Benoit, Tours, FR S. Benzekry, Bordeaux, FR R. Costello, Marseille, FR P. Couvreur, Paris, FR M. D’Incalzi, Milano, IT D. Jodrell, Cambridge, UK D. Lafitte, Marseille, FR HL. Mc Leod, Tampa, USA C. Meille, Basel, CH G. Milano, Nice, FR E. Pasquier, Randwick, AUS GJ. Peters, Amsterdam, NL Y. Shaked, Haïfa, IL JF. Seitz, Marseille, FR JC. Soria, Villejuif, FR M. Ychou, Montpellier, FR W. Zamboni, Chapel Hill, USA
learn more about it on the dedicated websitehere
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