From April 20th to Aprl 21rst, the 8th meeting of the Société Marocaine d’Hématologie et d’Oncologie Pédiatrique took place in Rabat. You can read more about SMHOP on their webiste here 2 sessions were dedicated to palliative care. Nicolas André was invited by Pr L. Hessissen, one of the ambassador of MGHI, and current President of the SMHOP from Rabat and Pr M. Harif, from Marrakesh and president of the GFAOP, to lecture about metronomic chemotherapy and the discus the role, limits, issues such as long term control of diseases in a palliative setting. Following further discussions, the possibilities to build a metronomic protocol with the GFAOP will be discussed in May in Paris.
You can find attached to this blog the pdf file of the presentations.
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