Martin Villalba Gonzalez is currently Directeur de Recherche and head of the team: immune system control of hematological neoplasias ( INSERM U1040) and future member and head of the team: Lymphocytes differentiation, tolerance and metabolism: basis for immunotherapy at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy (INSERM).
Martin trained in Madrid where he got a Ph.D. degree in Biological Sciences. He was then a post-dox in the Universita di Ferrara, in CNRS, and then in the LIAI (USA) from 4/97 to 10/99. He was then a Research Scientist at the LIAI for 2 additional years.
He is a reviewer for several journal inlcuding The Journal of Immunology, Experimental Cell Research, European Journal of Immunology, FEBS, PLOS one, Frontiers in Biosciences and Nature Medicine. He is also a Grant Reviewer for the Alzheimer’s Research trust and the MRC (United Kingdom), the Indo-French Center for the promotion of advanced research (IFCPAR) and the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
During his carrer Martin has received several awards such as a Fellowship for postdoctoral studies at Universita di Ferrara, Italy, from M.E.C; a Fellowship for postdoctoral studies from Foundation pour la Recherche Medicale, a Special Fellowship of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society “(formerly The Leukemia Society of America, Inc)”.
In 2009 he has been awarded the Prize of "chercheur d’avenir" (Languedoc-Rousillon)
Martin is the author or coauthor of 61 scietific articles.
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