The PHOCON-2012, 16th Annual Pediatric Haematology Oncology Conference will take place in in Ludhiana, Punjab from 16-18, Nov. 2012.
The conference aims at providing a strong scientific programme with international and national faculty which will cover a wide range of topics of interest to paediatricians, haematologists, oncologists, postgraduates from pediatrics, medicine, pathology and to nurses and paramedical staff.
The meeting is organized under the auspices of PHO Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. The aims of PHO chapter are : 1.To encourage and advance the knowledge and practice of Hematology Oncology in India. 2.To organize conference, lectures, seminars and exhibitions etc. 3.To cooperate and affiliate with other bodies with similar aims in the interest of Pediatric Hematology Oncology. 4.To bring a newsletter to increase the awareness and publish the advances in this field at National and International level in the interest of our members. 5.To provide and encourage research in field of Hematology oncology in India.
MGHI will be present to further raiser awareness about the potential of metronomic chemotherapy and Nicolas ANDRE will give a talk entitled : METRONOMICS: Another Way Forward for Low Resource Countries. You can hae more details about the conference by clicking here or about the PHO Chapter of Indian Academy of Pediatrics by clicking here
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