Demlova and al. from the team of Jaroslav Sterba in Brno have recently published in Current Oncology a case report entitled : Successful use of metronomic vinblastine and fluorothymidine pet imaging for the management of intramedullary spinal cord anaplastic oligoastrocytoma in a child.
They report a child with anaplastic oligodendroglioma of the spinal cord who had a refractory tumour to standard chemotherapy and who was unable to tolerate standard chemoradiotherapy with temozolomide and radiotherapy. He was then treated with the Combat protocol but doses had to be reduced because of hematologocal toxicities. A stable disease for 30 months. He then received metronomic vinblastine at 2mg/m2/w and a complete PET-scan negativity was achieved after 12 months of the low-dose vinblastine treatment. At last follow up, she is still in CR, 20 months after completion of therapy. It can be speculated that low-dose vinblastine acted both as an antiangiogenic agent and as a dendritic cells activator.
The full text is freely avalaible here
Demlova R, Melicharkova K, Rehak Z, Kren L, Oslejskova H, Sterba J Successful use of metronomic vinblastine and fluorothymidine pet imaging for the management of intramedullary spinal cord anaplastic oligoastrocytoma in a child. Curr Oncol. 2014 Dec;21(6):e790-e793.
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